Hybrid Dentures
If you are at the point where you feel you are trying to "save" many of your teeth with costly procedures such as root canals, crowns, etc, a hybrid denture (full arch restoration) could be a great option for you. If your lack of dentition or current denture is causing you troubles and you are uncomfortable with your dental situation, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
A hybrid denture is a type of implanted denture designed to improve the support and strength of your dentures. This is non-removable denture and sits on top of the teeth and gums. This denture is secured with screws to the dental implant and cannot be removed without the help of an implant dentist.
Also known as fixed-detachable dentures, hybrid dentures are more natural looking. Four to six dental implants are placed in your mouth to create a solid base to which it is attached. If you have teeth that you do not want to have removed but you have significant bone loss, this hybrid between a removable denture and dental implants may be the fix you are looking for.
Before deciding whether or not hybrid dentures will fit your lifestyle and needs, it is best to schedule a consult with Dr. Kramer. He will work hand-in-hand with a trusted oral surgeon to make sure you are comfortable with the whole process. 